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Pre-Listing Inspections Prevent Unpleasant Surprises

By February 21, 2021No Comments

You may have a lot of plans dependant on selling your home. Should it fail a professional inspection conducted late in the process, you could lose an interested buyer and have big problems to deal with unexpectedly. However, a pre-listing inspection can help to prevent this.

Planning Made Easier

By having an inspection finished before listing your home, you can decide what repairs to make, if any, and which to leave to the buyer. If you want to buy another home, an early-stage inspection of the home you are selling helps you arrange your plans without unexpected and unpleasant surprises.

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and vital information about the home you are selling is important knowledge that helps you formulate plans. An early inspection gives you time to deal with any problems without added stress for you or potential buyers.