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Set Up a Toilet Paper Shelf for Extra Storage

By March 17, 2019No Comments

In most bathrooms, every bit of storage space counts when it comes to keeping what you need close at hand. While you may not have room to add anything too complex in your bathroom, this convenient shelf solution lets you take advantage of the space you have.

While you may not think of the area near the toilet paper as a prime storage area, it can become just that with a deep picture frame. You can either build your own or purchase one, so long as the measurements are big enough to not get in the way of switching out the toilet paper. From there, you can hang it around your toilet paper, adding two shelves above and below.

This shelf option even works on other parts of your wall. If you get a big enough frame, you can use the space for decoration or add in some ready bathroom reading for guests. What you store there is up to you!